Care Everywhere

Care Everywhere officially launched by CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

 Press release

Bold approach embraces transformative vision for the future of health care delivery

Montreal, March 27, 2023 – CIUSSS West-Central Montreal is proud to officially announce the launch of its Care Everywhere initiative, which emphasizes the delivery of the right care at the right time in whichever location is most appropriate, safest and most convenient for the recipients of health care and social services.

Care Everywhere—based on the vision and philosophy of our CIUSSS’s President and CEO, Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg—is supported by four pillars:

  • The Command Centre
    This is the CIUSSS’s digital nerve centre, where numerous screens display real-time data about the care of healthcare users across the CIUSSS. As a result, data-driven decisions are facilitated, in order to improve patient flow and other complex aspects of care. The award-winning Command Centre is also known as C4, because its activities enable the Jewish General Hospital and the CIUSSS to be better able to Care, Communicate, Collaborate and Create.
  • Virtual Care
    Several forms of virtual care are provided in our CIUSSS, including the award-winning Hospital@Home program. Originally developed as the COVID@Home program, it enables certain hospitalized patients who otherwise would have remained in the hospital to continue their hospitalization at home. The patient is monitored remotely by digital devices that are linked to our virtual care team, with the frequency of monitoring adjusted according to the patient’s needs for care. Care is provided by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who combine hospital and community expertise. In effect, the patient’s home is transformed into a virtual hospital until the patient can be safely discharged from the program.
  • Connected Health Record
    The Connected Health Record, which is currently being developed by and for our CIUSSS, will result in the elimination of the numerous computer programs and digital systems currently in use in nearly three dozen facilities across the CIUSSS. In their place will be a single platform, accessible to all CIUSSS staff to simplify and accelerate access to medical information about healthcare users. Staff will have access to uniform, accurate and up-to-date information about patients, clients and residents, no matter where care is provided in our CIUSSS. In addition, patients will eventually have access to their own clinical information via a state-of-the-art portal—a key aspect of improving the patient experience through Care Everywhere.
  • OROT
    OROT’s contribution is pivotal to Care Everywhere, which relies on digital technology to deliver care. Anchoring the CIUSSS’s Digital Health program, OROT brings together healthcare professionals, users and private-sector entrepreneurs to scrutinize the network’s needs and problems, co-develop prototypes, accelerate commercialization and, ultimately, integrate the innovation. OROT gives entrepreneurs access to the insights of users and professionals, resulting in products that truly meet everyone’s requirements.

More about Care Everywhere’s new visual identity


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