On January 1, 2020 the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal’s Smoke-Free Environment policy will go into effect. This policy will create a smoke-free environment for our users, visitors and staff by prohibiting smoking on all CIUSSS West-Central Montreal outdoor grounds. This includes gardens and terraces, parking lots, and what was previouslythe designated outdoor smoking areas of the Jewish General Hospital. As an exception the smoking rooms located in four long-term care residential facilities will remain open: Donald Berman Maimonides, Donald Berman Jewish Eldercare, Henri-Bradet Residential Centre, and Father-Dowd Residential Centre.
Signage indicating our smoke-free environment is being installed over the next several weeks. Violations of the smoke-free environment policy will be met with appropriate measures, which may include a fine of $361 as per the Tobacco Control Act.
Do you want to quit smoking? CIUSSS West-Central Montreal provides two smoking cessation services to help you live a life free of tobacco! Visit the smoking cessation resources page on our web site for more information: ciussswestcentral.ca/smokingcessation.