And the winners are...
The COVID-19 pandemic will long be remembered by CIUSSS employees as an important moment in our network’s history. It was notable for its episodes of intense work, innovations and new ways of accomplishing daily task. Above all, the crisis made the great solidarity of our staff members even more obvious.
Unlike previous editions of the contest, and because of the ongoing pandemic, these photos are only displayed online this year, rather than touring from one facility to another.
To preserve the meaning of the words, the presentation of each photo remains in the language submitted by the participants.
The winners of this year's contest were determined by a random draw among the 50 or so participants.
Congratulations to our five winners (click on the winners' name to see their pictures):
To see all the pictures:
- Participants 1 to 10
- Participants 11 to 20
- Participants 21 to 30
- Participants 31 to 40
- Participants 41 to 47
We would also like to acknowledge the contribution of François, a patient at the Jewish General Hospital, who began roughly 30 sessions of radiotherapy last April. To thank the healthcare professionals he met during his stay at the JGH, he came up with the idea of creating a photo album. This way a very personal to highlight the dedication and solidarity of our network's employees during this pandemic. CLICK HERE to see this album.
This exhibition "A shot of happiness, in any season" is sponsored by:
Tu es l'oiseau de mauvaise augure, Covid dix-neuf! Covid dix-neuf!
Qui frappe sans demi-mesure. Tu prends le contrôle de notre vie.
Les morts se comptent par milliers. Et tu ne demande pas notre avis.
Et le deuil devient familier. La peur, la colère nous gagnent.
Les hôpitaux sont bondés, L'impuissance et la confusion règnent.
Les soignants débordés. Masque et distanciation sont les mots d`ordre.
Leur travail est sans répit, On promet qu`ils mettront nos vie en ordre.
Et souvent plein de défis. Mais le virus circule et circule.
Ils oublient souvent leur vie, Les pays se confinent et ré-confinent.
Pour sauver d'autres vies. Covid dix-neuf! Covid dix-neuf!
Et ca, ca n'a pas de prix. Tu fais honte au chiffre dix-neuf.
Mais leurs familles en payent le prix.
Kinic Abigahel, Nurse Clinician
Jewish General Hospital