Participants 1 to 10

A Shot of Happiness and Solidarity - Participants 1 to 10


Alex Létourneau, orthophoniste
Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay, site Mackay
L'équipe du Programme de déficience langage a fait preuve de résilience dans les derniers mois avec tous les défis apportés par la pandémie : retour du déploiement en CHSLD, virage vers la télépratique, sessions en présentiel avec les mesures de protection et encore plus! Nous sommes fières de travailler entourées de personnes inspirantes, travaillantes, créatives et motivées.

Allison Friedman, Rehabilitation Educator
Donald Berman Maimonides
Here we are the Rehab Department and deployed staff outside of Maimonides. We had staff from other centers come and help us during our time of crisis. This picture shows pure strength and togetherness. We are all smiling underneath our masks... can’t you tell?

Alyssa Pambuan, Nurse
Stroke Team Coordinator and Educator K10 (Interim)
Jewish General Hospital

We are healthcare workers, we are frontliners, we are heroes, we are strong, we are fighters, we are resilient, we are CIUSSS Centre-Ouest, we are JGH, we are K10, we are here and we are fighting this virus together.One, two and three… JUMP! Taking a break and jumping for joy together while wearing our Superhero shirts!Taking a K10 group selfie! Supporting one another, laughing together and taking pictures were ways that helped lift our spirits during the pandemic. We can look back and see that even though it was a challenging time, we kept our smiles under our masks.

An Ly Tran Nha, Nurse
Secondary Stroke Prevention Clinic
Jewish General Hospital Montreal

Pictures taken on K10-Neurosciences.
We were so happy to see Dr.Moore Neurologist part of COVID-19 team that week.

Together we fight COVID-19.

We are lucky to be surrounded by handsome men on K10.

Angie Spiropoulos, Chief of Inhalation Therapy
Respiratory Therapy Services
Jewish General Hospital

Respiratory Physiology and Anesthesia Respiratory Therapist join forces with us, Respiratory Therapy team, to care for adult and neonatal critically ill patients, during COVID. The photo represents solidarity amongst the three teams during change of shift report.

A moment of happiness. Respiratory Therapist grateful for kind works of support and food donation from friends and family of Joanne Calabro, our administrative agent.

How lucky we are to have one of our Respiratory Therapist, Chrishni Francis, nominating us for a coffee machine from Nespresso. We were all happy to have a caffeine boost during that challenging period.
So proud to be a Respiratory Therapist and be part of this fabulous and great team. We were the first Respiratory therapy department in Quebec to treat COVID-19 patients, and became a reference for lots of hospital. This wouldn't be possible without all the solidarity and team work we had put in place during the pandemic.Blessed with all the food we received to uplift us and giving us the energy to keep going.Another "Ça va bien aller" moment. Always looking for new ways to thank the team for their hard work, to fill their belly and put a nice smile on their face!

Barbara Dejon, Sterilization Attendant
MDRU Department
Jewish General Hospital

Appearance means nothing but hard work that means everything! Barbara and Nelia are working together in instrumental.

We are an army of Sterilization Attendants at the Jewish General Hospital in fight against COVID-19. CIUSSS West-Central Montreal is prepared to take whatever action necessary to bring the situation under control.

(PPE) like masks, face shields and gloves helps stop the spread of coronavirus and saves lives. This is the new NORM!

Chloé Décarie-Drolet, infirmière chef en soins et gynécologie
Centre périnatal, clinique d'obstétrique et de gynécologie

Hôpital Général Juif


Voici diverses photos de moments heureux durant la folie de la COVID. Nous avons bien mangé. Pendant cette période les gens étaient tellement généreux.

Christine Authier, Nursing Coordinator 
Jewish General Hospital

We are doing bed flow. Each pile of paper represents a COVID+ patient who is waiting an admission/ transfer to JGH. These were the very first pts being admitted from other institutions.
Christine Authier, Maria Kozma and Marineh Karapetian

Feeling the love and power only the Montreal Police and Fire departments can produce.
Christine Authier, Kimberly Gutierrez, Mikael Angeles

Old 4e unit finding out they will become a COVID hot zone... with a smile, under a mask.

Daniel Veilleux, VP Mission CLSC
Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du CIUSSS

Voici une photo de Marlin Manzanares et moi, Daniel Veilleux, tous les deux ASSS au CLSC Métro. Nous avons été réaffectés sur une base volontaire en RPA, à la Place Kensington à Westmount du début mai à la fin de juin. Cette photo témoigne de la belle complicité que nous avons développée et du plaisir mutuel que nous avions à travailler ensemble, malgré la lourdeur de la situation à laquelle nous étions confrontés.

Eleni Zimianitis, Nurse
Family Birthing Centre

Jewish General Hospital
These photos were taken by the Laundry Department from last Thursday. The supervisors Fadi and Mark and the Chief of the Department David and Terry from Maintenance got an ice cream truck to show the laundry employees their appreciation for all the hard work they did throughout the pandemic. Laundry is one of the unsung heroes in our hospital, the amount of hard work that goes into providing a whole hospital and multiple sites linen, uniforms and protective gowns is often underestimated. They are an excellent department, and provide so much to our healthcare team! The photo was taken outside, in front of Shipping and Receiving.

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