Participants 11 to 20

A Shot of Happiness and Solidarity - Participants 11 to 20


Elisabeth Laughrea, conseillère cadre en soins infirmiers 
Soutien à l'autonomie des personnes âgées - Hébergement (interim)

Hôpital général juif

Photo avec une ancienne collègue de l’HGJ qui est venue m’aider une fin de semaine, avec la cohorte de Maimonides.Photo prise à Vigi Mont-Royal avec deux infirmières déployées de l’HGJ.Photo avec l’admirable équipe venant de différents milieux avec qui je me suis liée d’amitié durant la crise de Vigi Mont-Royal et qui ont choisi de continuer leur mission ensemble et avec moi à Maimonides.
Deux infirmières déployée de l’HGJ ainsi qu’une infirmière auxiliaire qui a travaillé littéralement cinq semaines de suite pour nous aider à nous adapter à son milieu et une médecin extraordinaire de Vigi Mont-Royal.Sur cette photo tous des professionnels déployés à Vigi Mont Royal, dont une médecin de famille, une infirmière du CLSC et une radiologue de l’Institut de cardiologie de Montréal.

Photo avec les premières infirmières qui sont venues à mon aide lorsque je me suis retrouvée seule dans une cohorte au Jewish Eldercare Centre.

Avec Nadia, CSI qui est venu me soutenir à Vigi Mont-Royal (nous voyons l’armée en action derrière).

Felicia Mancuso, Physical Rehabilitation Therapist
Maimonides Geriatric Centre

Power duo! Rehab educator and Physical Rehab Therapist at Maimonides Geriatric Center (in our gym), always matching and working strongly together.


An unlikely duo: fireman working as a PAB and a Physical Rehab Therapist working together on the 5th floor (and taking a break in the garden at DBM!).

Rehab, recreation, and dietitian all matching outside of DBM. Taking a break for a group photo.

Françoise Henrich, educatrice spécialisée
Équipe enfance-adolescence
Centre Miriam

Les photos ont été prises au Centre Miriam. Un petit moment de détente entre collègues : Marie-Ève Brossoit, Caory Frounfelker, Dominique Hamel, de Célie Gay et de moi-même.

Gaba Djouida, PAB
Hôpital général juif

Clinique de dépistage de la COVID-19, dans le Quartier Cavendish, à la fin du mois de mars.

Geneviève Riendeau, magasinière et chef d’équipe (DBM/MSH/JEC)
Centre Gériatrique Donald Berman Maimonides

Qu’on se fasse appeler ange gardien ou super héros, nous sommes toujours présents pour nos résidents.
Centre gériatrique Donald Berman Maimonides, Buanderie et Réception des marchandises.

Grace Padua-Moran, Nurse
Saint-Margaret Residential Centre

It's a win in every way!
We have a safe special peace sign of greeting with two fingers over the heart. A V sign for victory over COVID-19.

Foot shake greeting amid fears over the spread of coronavirus
Practiced a foot-to-foot greeting instead of handshake to lower the risk of getting infected through handshake, hug and kiss.

Unity makes strength/ Union fait la force
We stand in unity and do our part to tackle the ongoing pandemic crisis. We are all in this together so that everything will be alright.

Heather Nathens, Dietitian
Jewish General Hospital

Here are my photos showing solidarity. There is not only solidarity in our Department; there is solidarity in the community. My spinning teacher, Lauren Caplan, not only gave free spin classes for months to help keep us healthy, she also donated a delicious meal to us with partner Lucille's Oyster Dive.  We were so greatly thankful, as for one day our dietitians and technicians on the COVID unit and other units, did not have to worry about lunch!

Helen Xanthakos, Dietitian/Nutritionist
Centre for Health Promotion, Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases
CLSC de Benny Farm

Easter fun amongst HCPs in the COVID call center at the JGH!
Left to right: Helen Xanthakos- RD, Neda Paynter - RN, Lucie Demers- Dt.P, Maxine Silverman - SW, Vicky Kearns- SW, Mathilde Renaud - inf, Philippe Briand - kinésiologue (Creator of and holding sign- Anne Audy, Dt. P- recently retired).

Idah Sona, Head Nurse (?th floor)
Donald Berman Maimonides Geriatric Centre

The following three pictures were taken by the Team of 6th floor to demonstrate our collective intention, how we function together daily and to actively participate in the CIUSSS Solidarity at work contest.

As demonstrated in the 1st picture below, we are all lifting up more than one finger. This symbolizes the fact that the goal of the team can never be completely achieved by one individual. The Nursing department always have to work together and in collaboration with 2 or more departments (Nutrition, Laboratory departments, just to name a few) to produce a better desired outcome of Residents care, comfort and relieve of family members. Thus Solidarity at work is primordial.

Here we are calling on the other team members to join us in the picture: Being one another keeper, conscious of the fact that we have to all come together to take one picture to demonstrate how we function in solidarity with one another. We also have students in this picture, being conscious of the fact that we have to work in solidarity, train them as they integrate into our CIUSSS FAMILY.The 3rd picture demonstrates the fact that, even though we are standing together to demonstrate solidarity at work, we are all conscious of the Covid Pandemic. We are standing 2 meters apart. I have my both hands open wide to help us get the 2 meters social distances, thus together we all have the duty to function in solidarity as we protect one another in our DBM/CIUSSS FAMILY. We are all wearing our masks, following infection control protocol and principles. Together we make sure that the residents are sitting at least 2 meters apart during the dining experience and outside in the garden as they enjoy the beautiful weather.

Ioana Voicu, Nurse Clinician
COVID-19 screening clinic, Pavillion N
Jewish General Hospital

Individual leadership was brought out in each one of us while still working as a team to provide the best strength-based nursing care to every patient walking through our clinic. Whatever fears we had in the beginning dissipated very quickly thanks to our extraordinary capacity to adapt to constant change. Working together daily to improve the screening process and the quality of care, our team has proved out to be not only professional, but also very dedicated and caring.

Place: COVID-19 screening clinic, pavilion N (JGH)
Photo taken by: Justine Amiot

Forever united, forever positive and forever winning when faced with new challenges! Starting our days with positive vibes and big smiles throughout this pandemic has helped us look forward to the future and support our team, as well as our patients. We can't go wrong with a cheerful attitude!

Place: COVID-19 screening clinic, pavilion N (JGH)
Photo taken by: Mildred Clement

We grow together and flourish together. Every day, we find happiness in a wonderful work environment that is based on collaboration, mutual support and a lot of enthusiasm. The rainbow of optimism always shines in our eyes.

Place: COVID-19 screening clinic, pavilion N (JGH)
Photo taken by: Tammy Dee Shields

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