Postnatal Kit

Guide to the first days after birth

Breastfeeding Reminder

My Own Tree

The « My Own Tree » Program offers to children born or adopted in Quebec the opportunity to receive a small tree plant that will grow with them.
You can register your child by following the link  Mon arbre à moi

Car safety: A Priority

Everything you need to know about car safety for your littles ones is  here.

Prevention of Flat Head In Newborns

For information relating to your child's sleep, such as flat head prevention, we invite you to consult the website «  Caring for Kids ».

Breast Milk Donation

Would you like to learn more about the public breast milk bank?  Hema-Quebec has the answers to your questions. 

Postnatal Resources

Evaluation of services

 Evaluation of services provided by the Côte-des-Neiges' Birthing House's Team. 


 Evaluation of students midwife met during your visits at the Birthing Center.

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