Mission and values

The mission of CIUSSS West-Central Montreal2

1. To provide the highest quality continuum of health care and social services throughout our network of institutions

Within our network of institutions, we provide a safe continuum of care, including specialized and ultra-specialized care and services, rehabilitation services, long-term care, community health and social services and frontline services. Quality care depends on respectful collaboration and partnership between users and health and social service professionals, staff and administration.

2. To provide compassionate care and services that are centred on the user and create an exceptional user experience

We strive to accommodate the individual needs of all of our users based on language, ethnic origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background and religion*, to an extent that is reasonably possible.

*Several healthcare institutions within the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, which were founded by the English Catholic community, the English Protestant community and the Jewish community, continue their commitment to providing an environment and services that are respectful of cultural and religious needs of the founding community.

3. To develop and promote leadership and excellence in health and social sciences education

4. To advance health and social sciences knowledge and practices through excellence in research and innovation

Each individual institution within the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal retains its specific Mission under the umbrella of the network Mission

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The Values of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

1. Highest Quality of Care

We value excellence and are committed to providing the highest quality of care for all— care and services that are safe, evidence-based and follows best practices in ethics, medicine and social services.

We are committed to improving access to a continuum of services for our users.

2. Compassion, Dignity and Respect*

In the provision of quality care and services, we are respectful of everyone as unique individuals and we treat them with dignity and compassion, while respecting their privacy and confidentiality.

An exceptional user experience is our goal.

* “Respect for one another” is a core value of our network.

3. Safety

We are committed to providing care and services within a safe and secure environment. The responsibility for safety is shared by everyone at all times within the network.

4. Teamwork

Because the provision of quality health and social services is a highly complex endeavour, we recognize the important contributions of each member of our staff and our partners. Our teamwork is characterized by: 1) a shared consciousness, 2) a shared purpose, and 3) empowered execution. As a team, we are supported in sharing all of our knowledge and expertise with one another, with the ultimate goal of providing a highest quality care and services.

5. Knowledge and Innovation

We value excellence in teaching and research, and their role in providing the best quality of care and services for users.

We encourage creativity and initiative in our staff, in order to identify and implement innovative ways to enhance the care and services that our network provides.

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