
Do you see yourself as a caring and trustworthy person? Do people think of you as having strong interpersonal skills, being proactive and loving teamwork? Would you like to use your skills to improve the experiences of our patients and the quality of their care?

Our CIUSSS is looking for volunteers of your calibre to make a difference in the lives of all of our users. We offer an experience that will enable you to develop your healthcare-related skills in a number of fields.


  • Provide guidance and direction to ensure the smooth flow of patients, other healthcare users and visitors through our hospitals
  • Support healthcare workers in various departments and clinics
  • Develop experience in a wide range of care units, including Emergency, Oncology, Critical Care and Surgery.
  • Assist in organizing special activities, such as the CIUSSS farmers’ market and the Jewish General Hospital’s Jazz Festival.

Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs)

  • Conduct informal visits and chat with the elderly
  • Keep the residents company and walk with them
  • To help residents vary their daily routine, organize recreational activities such as gardening, board games, cooking and baking, religious events, walks and visits to the park.
  • Contribute to developing special projects, such as satisfaction surveys to evaluate and improve the quality of life of the elderly

The community

  • Be paired with an adult who has an intellectual disability
  • Participate in social activities such as board games and cards, hockey games, coffee and conversation
  • Communicate with people by phone or video conference if face-to-face activities are not possible
  • Bring patients out of social isolation and create opportunities for integration into the community


  • Socialize with patients, conduct informal visits and help them participate in recreational activities
  • Support healthcare workers to improve the mental and physical health of clients

Contact us

Marko Obradovic, Chief of Volunteer Services
514-340-8222, ext. 25985
Jewish General Hospital, Room B-151

For an interview: 514-340-8222, ext. 25983 or 25984, or  benevolat.ccomtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca


The Volunteer Services team of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

The Volunteer Services team of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

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