To ensure everyone’s well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that you—a CIUSSS West-Central Montreal staff member—not come to work if:
1) you have ONE of the following symptoms:
- fever of or higher than 38°C/100.4°F (oral temperature), flu-like chills or a feverish feeling
- a new or worsening cough,
- shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
- sudden loss of taste and/or smell
- unusual headache
- sore throat (for no apparent reason)
2) you have TWO or more of the following symptoms:
- extreme fatigue (without reason)
- muscle aches and pains (unrelated to physical exertion)
- significant loss of appetite
- nausea, vomiting or diarrhea during the previous 12 hours
3) and/or you AGREE with either of these statements:
- During the past 14 days, I have returned from travelling outside Canada.
- Someone who is close to me and with whom I've had close contact (e.g, friend, relative) while wearing no protective equipment has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you are experiencing COVID-19-related symptoms and/or have agreed with either of the above statements, it is important that you inform the CIUSSS by calling the COVID-19 hotline for staff, at 514-731-7343.
Important: If you develop symptoms at work, you must inform your manager and then leave immediately to isolate at home.