Therapeutic webinars

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of JGH Psychiatry clinicians launched a series of informational webinars to help our patients learn new strategies to cope with this crisis, given that many of the department’s therapeutic activities had to be put on hold.
These webinars were largely educational, with the purpose of providing structure, connection and learning opportunities for our patients and their families. These webinars were not clinical treatment sessions.

Please note that we will no longer be offering new live webinars as of the end of June 2020. The last webinar will be offered June 30. Feel free to review the recordings of previous webinars posted below.
Thank you for your understanding & your participation in these webinars!

Webinar Stream Descriptions

These webinars are 30 minute informative sessions, led by one or two presenters, with participants joining on Zoom. Opportunities for participation were provided through the Chat function, the Question & Answer function, and Polls.

Life Skills Stream

  • The Life Skills Webinars will provide useful information and strategies about some of our fundamental activities of daily living, such as sleep, self-care, stress-management, routine, and resilience.
  • Presenters: Victoria Blais, erg; Samantha Spector, erg; Aileen Castro, erg; Samantha Desjardins, RN

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Stream

  • The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Webinars will introduce participants to the CBT model and explore pertinent ways to improve our thinking styles that influence our emotions and behaviours, such as techniques to transform our unhelpful thoughts, strategies to manage uncertainty, and approaches to increase acceptance.
  • Presenters: Elizabeth Foley, PhD; Annelie Anestin PhD; Lisa Jewett, PhD

Mindfulness & Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Stream

  • The Mindfulness Webinars will introduce participants to some core mindfulness concepts and allow participants to get in touch with their bodies in the present moment through a variety of live mindfulness and meditation practices. 
  • Presenters: Allana Goodman, erg; Kate Drury, PhD; Samantha Desjardins, RN; Zoë Thomas, MD FRCPC
  • The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Webinars will introduce participants to the world of emotion, including how to tolerate distress and manage emotions, as well as how to communicate effectively and set boundaries.
  • Presenters:  Molly Moroz, PhD; Alissa Rubinfeld, PsyD

Movement & Exercise Stream

  • The Movement and Exercise Webinars will allow participants to engage in four different types of movement-based practices, including chair-based exercise, Tabata-style bodyweight exercise, Thai-Chi/Qigong, and yoga.
  • Presenters: Kristen Reidel, OT; Melanie Shernosky; Alessandra Miklavcic; Olivia Musat; Fatemeh Ali
  • To participate in this webinar:
    • Please dress in comfortable clothing
    • Remember to drink plenty of water before and after exercise
    • Please make sure to have eaten approximately 2 hours prior to exercise
    • If you have any injuries or medical conditions that you believe could be aggravated or worsened by participating in physical activity, please consult with your doctor before becoming more physically active

The webinars ran for 10 weeks from April 27 to July 1, 2020. Although we are no longer offering new webinars, recordings of past sessions can be found below.


  • These webinars are not therapeutic or clinical encounters. They are informational sessions. Presenters cannot provide individualized input to participants.
  •  Please respect the privacy and confidentiality of other participants for everyone’s safety.
  • We do not tolerate any violence or discrimination. If the presenters deem anyone's participation to be inappropriate, they may remove participants from the webinar, at their discretion.
  • We cannot address acute safety concerns within the context of these webinars. If you are feeling unsafe with yourself, please leave the webinar and contact crisis services, such as Tracom 514 483 3033 or ultimately 911 

Links to Additional Resources




Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Past Webinar Recordings & Slides


Life Skills


Movement and Exercise


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