SOPs | Research Ethics Training | References

REB Standard Operating Procedures

The Board of our CIUSSS has approved the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal Research Ethics Board in September 2021. These SOPs were developed based on the Canadian REB SOPs by the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB) in 2014, which were then further adapted by CATALIS for the Quebec context in 2019.

These SOPs are aimed to all clinical researchers of the Jewish General Hospital and researchers within the community sector having research privileges at the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal.

Access to the document:  SOPs 2021.

Education sessions will be available for research teams to give an overview of key processes and updates to Research Ethics Board practice and how these practices impact research.

If you have any questions regarding the SOPs, please do not hesitate to communicate with the Research Review Office at

Research Ethics Training

Research ethics training is offered online to members of the research community:

  •  The TCPS 2 Tutorial – The online tutorial CORE-2022 (Course on Research Ethics) helps to translate into practice the guidelines formed by the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS-2). This course presents content in a variety of formats, interactive exercises and multidisciplinary examples. The tutorial comprises ten modules, ranging from basic principles to the evaluation of projects by an REC.
  •  The MSSS Tutorial– The online training course “Training in Research Ethics” was created specifically for members of research ethics committees (RECs) and support staff of RECs who work in establishments in the Québec research network, health and social services. Thus, while dealing with many national and international texts, this program pays particular attention to the normative framework specific to Quebec.
  •  Webinaires du Groupe en éthique de la recherche  (GER) (Group webinars on research ethics)

    Tool How to conduct research at a distance?

    Conducting research in the context of the current pandemic is challenging. Many traditional research practices are no longer viable as research must frequently be conducted at a distance. How do researchers adapt or change these practices and ensure the highest ethical standards are maintained? How are recruitment strategies implemented? How is the consent process conducted? What information should be included in consent forms? How can data be collected? What are the best methods to store these different types of data? What type of challenges may researchers encounter with these new practices? In this presentation, these questions will be addressed and practical solutions proposed. The ethical principles that underlie best ethical practices will be highlighted.

    Consult the presentation by Dr. Linda Furlini* :

             «  At a Distance : Changing and Adapting Research Practices Ethically During a Pandemic » ( RRISIQ event• 2021)

    *The information contained in this presentation excludes research falling under the jurisdiction of Health Canada, such as drug and medical device clinical trials. 

    Selection of documents for Research Ethics Review

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