Frontline Integrated Services

Director of the Frontline Integrated Services
Carine Fortin

Associate Director, Child and Family, Birthing Centre, Youth and Asylum Seekers (PRAIDA)
Robert Gervais

Associate Director of General Services, Info-Santé/Info-Social and GMF-R-U, SRISIS/GIMA/GASSS
Irina Blumer

Associate Director, COVID Immunization and screening
Paula Yiannopoulos

Assistant to the Director
Dominique Dufour

Coordinator - GMF-aR-U and GAMF (GAP)
Bernadette Thibaudeau

Coordinator - General Services
Jacynthe Caron

Coordinator - SRISIS-GIMA-GASSS-Polarization
Marthe Gaëlle Nguele Mbang

Coordinator - Périnatalité et petite enfance
Sonia Cisternas

Coordinator - Accès et volet jeunesse
Maëcha Nault

Coordinator - Youth Services and Maisons bleues
Natalie Zirnhelt

Coordinator - PRAIDA
Marie-ève Boulanger

Person in charge - Midwife services, Birthing Centre
Marika Paré

Coordinator – Immunization COVID Sites Carré Décarie and Parc Extension, Call centre
Dana Porubska

Coordinator– Immunization, screening, tests and mobile clinics, PSL Parc-Extension
Valérie Désir

Coordinator - Public Health and partnership
Spyridoula Xenocostas

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